BJ's Wholesale en Freeport

Estados UnidosBJ's Wholesale



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100, Mill Road, 11520, Freeport, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-867-9200
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6513707, Longitude: -73.5701404

comentarios 5

  • Antoinette Mastrangelo

    Antoinette Mastrangelo


    They are just not nice in there.. like the workers are sorry we showed up..

  • en

    Nancy Porcellini


    Be very careful at checkout- watch closely. My cashier rang up 4 items twice, and got annoyed with me for looking at the display. I had to go to curtesy line to get $80 credit. I will put my stuff on the conveyor next time. When you leave goods In wagon you rely on cashier too much. I think the woman who rang me up deliberately rang items twice.

  • en

    Cathy Maloney


    Great place, love going around 2:00 during the week. Get in and out quickly.

  • philip m

    philip m


    This location is the site of the old "Caldor's" some of you may remember , first off, this place is quite busy, take it nice & slow navigating the parking lot !! This location is smaller than other BJ's in the Nassau County , with the constant crush of people, I have found many items to be out of stock at any given time! It may be convenient if you live in the general area, for one, I tend to avoid this location!!!!

  • en



    The self checkout is relatively slow even during odd hours but no complaints really. Great merchandise here

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