BJ Nails w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneBJ Nails



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913, East Berry Street, 76110, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-926-7636
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7064381, Longitude: -97.3175864

komentarze 5

  • en



    This used to be my favorite place to go , but i got set up with this lady who didnt want to do my pedicure and everytime i explained i wanted overlay she babbled off talking about nonsense. And the main lady who takes care of pmts and transactions messed up my manicure... she paid no mind in measuring them she just cut them as she pleased and now i just payed $48.00 for uneven nails.... and a half ass pedicure no effort to keep them even . NEVER GOING BACK to this place. Theres only a few ladies that really do a good job ....but dont let the transaction lady to do your nails she messes it up also keep track of the prices they be trying to be slick about that too. SMH

  • en

    Kazandra Renteria


    Horrible place, I asked for coffin shaped nails and they couldn’t even do that then when I asked if they could re-do them and if they couldn’t I wasn’t gonna pay and the owner almost lost her mind. They turned out all crooked and the nail polish had air bubbles they cut me more then 5 times. Don’t go to the guy.

  • Briana Robinson

    Briana Robinson


    The Prices are Great! You will definitely pay half the price than normal. Like any nail shop, everybody there can't do nails good. Ask for Amy she does the best work. Also the girl who sits next to her, her sister, does just as good. The owner (the lady who takes the money) is not that great. If you are particular about your nails like I am then don't go to the owner. $25 for a full set w/ gel and $25 for a pink and white powder set. I would usually pay over $50 for this somewhere else.

  • Olga King

    Olga King


    I love the way they do my nails. Been going for two years now

  • Cinthia Olivares

    Cinthia Olivares


    I use to love this place but as of yesterday I hate it and will never go back. I wanted acrylic color instead of nail polish or gel and she messed them up. I told her i didnt like them and she just started talking and cut them all off and sat me at the very back and never came back to check up on me very bad service don’t go here

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