Bill's Pawn & Jewelry w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczoneBill's Pawn & Jewelry



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2906, West Commerce Street, 78207, San Antonio, Bexar County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 210-432-7961
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.4279838, Longitude: -98.5273265

komentarze 5

  • en

    Brandon Hernandez


    They low balled a ps4 for 70 bucks when other pawn shops offered 140 for a 500g ps4 slim.

  • brit Vel-Gut

    brit Vel-Gut


    I decided to try this place. Worst mistake ever! I wanted to get a pawn loan and try this place out instead of EZ PAWN and not have to wait there in line. Well now I know why EZ Pawn gets busy. I come to this place with 2 rings. One is a 10k white gold with about 1/3 ct diamonds. Another 14k white gold 1ct fancy black diamond and 14 paved stones that total is 1/3 ct diamonds. This can easily be sold for $500 but worth over a grand.... but for both they wanted to just loan $80. No thank you! I rather go to EZP where I can at least get my $180 loan. Their layout is not even a store front that makes you want to shop there. I'll stick to other pawn shops that are more nice and will treat their customers with more value.

  • en

    John Urrabas


    They are a rip off Don't waste your time or money and if you Pawn something make sure you take pictures because most likely your Merchandise will be Damaged and they will Not want to take Responsibility "owner" takes advantage of the less fortunate for his own personal Gain adds taxes when he is not supposed to and charges Storage fees when he is not supposed to I will LMAO when I see him get arrested for Fraud who ever Runs Against his daughter for the next term should investigate . To me it looks like the apple didn't fall to far from the tree

  • en

    rose rodriguez


    I love this place they work with u not losing your stuff,I will always come here love it.

  • FernandoVanessa CastanedaGalvan

    FernandoVanessa CastanedaGalvan


    Unique environment friendly and reasonable pricing would visit again

najbliższy Jubiler

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