Bill Page Honda i Falls Church

Forenede StaterBill Page Honda



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6715, Arlington Boulevard, 22042, Falls Church, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 703-533-9700
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Latitude: 38.8686078, Longitude: -77.1760035

kommentar 5

  • Carson Weaver

    Carson Weaver


    Everyone that I worked with to buy the car was very helpful. There was a bit more pressure to buy the car ASAP than I would have liked. Mourad made the test drive and initial pricing enjoyable. He also brought out the new car bow so I could take a nice picture. Luis in Finance was also very friendly and knowledgeable.

  • John Aldriedge

    John Aldriedge


    Ever since my Honda Accord purchase a year ago I have been very impressed and pleased with Bill Page Honda's service department. So far I have only had to visit for two oil changes (complementary, by the way) and replacement of a small panel (covered by the warranty). Still, the efficiency of the Service department, quality of the work, and a very comfortable waiting area (complete with a cappuccino machine!) have made me a happy customer.

  • en



    I have been with the Bill Page Honda service center for three years now and am very happy with their service and follow up. Their consistent diligence and their helpful and courteous staff have made me always stay with this service center even though we have lived in different locations. Joanne was my first service advisor, and her professionalism and friendliness haven't changed through the years.

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    John Whiton


    Met with Bill Page, Jr, and couple sales reps helped me notably Ed R. Worked with Ed plenty on email and texts, too. Everyone was Super responsive, knowledgeable, honest -- helped that Ed had a super cool sporty Honda himself, too. Gave him a lot more cred. Oh and Ed and everyone was Patient, too, because I had a lot of questions and the technology was mostly over my head. I am a demanding customer. I drove a LOT of cars at various metro area dealers. Bill Page won my business and loyalty. Everyone seemed very friendly, tried really hard to help me with everything, made everything clear, and general seemed to go out of their way to please.

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    Emily Larson


    I would highly recommend this dealership to anyone who is looking for a Honda. I visited 7 different car dealerships and I had the best experience here by far. I had visited another Honda dealer and had a bad experience and then came to Bill Page Honda on a Sunday an hour before closing. In that time they located the car I wanted, we made a great deal and I filled out my paperwork. When I picked up the car the next day they had it cleaned and ready at the exact time I said I would be there to pick it up. The staff is friendly and honest about what they can do for you. I highly recommend coming here.

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