Big Tows, Inc. w Spring Valley

Stany ZjednoczoneBig Tows, Inc.



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36, Red Schoolhouse Road, 10977, Spring Valley, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-426-3333
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0817926, Longitude: -74.0550975

komentarze 5

  • Tiyana Janeiro

    Tiyana Janeiro


    Best experience ever, super nice driver, adorable dog greeted me as I walked in, Monika was such a help and was so kind and really helped me out and hooked me up. Big Tows is the place to go! So appreciated for their service 😊

  • en

    jane lewis


    Coming from Alaska there are not a lot of places there to get a big rig worked on. We do most of the work on our Peterbilt, we struggle doing electric and computer. And unfortunately our tiny house aka 132 inch big bunk truck broke down in Chestnut Ridge NJ. We did not want to go to a Rush Truck Center, they are the worse place to get parts. Thanks to another car hauler friend's recommendation, we were towed in and repaired by Big Tows Inc. They are awesome! The entire facility is clean and organized, all the staff is friendly and professional. They were straightforward and honest. Told us upfront the fees and squeezing us into their very busy shop. Thank you Monica and Ricardo for getting us started and back on the road again.

  • en

    Colin Evans


    Ricardo and Monica are my heroes! I do almost all of my own truck repair. I had a broken wire in the harness, inside the insulation. They didn't really have time to help me, but they did. Ricardo found the broken wire, and MacGuyvered my harness. I still need a harness, but now I can deliver my load, and make it home safely. Simply the best experience I've had @ a shop in many years. When I have a glider built, it will be here.

  • Rajat Malik

    Rajat Malik


    Got excellent service from this place. Luis picked us up, dropped the car to the shop, and took us home. Was very friendly and helpful, gave us all the information we needed. Got the bill and charged it to AAA.would definitely use again and highly recommended!

  • en



    I came here for the first all the way from Elizabeth nj to get one our company All Moving points truck inspected and The lady by the name of Monica was very helpful and had great customer service skills. I even was able to relax and have my lunch on their nice leather sofa chairs. I highly recommend this place FOR any of your car repair.

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