Big Lots in Phoenix

Vereinigte StaatenBig Lots



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3630, West Baseline Road, 85339, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 602-237-1943
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.3787787, Longitude: -112.1374784

kommentare 5

  • en

    Patti Hurd


    I like Big Lots, easy to run in and out quickly. My last trip was one of those. I had guests coming and forgot a few things at the grocery store.

  • Bernice Campbell

    Bernice Campbell


    We had a great time walking up and down the aisles seeing what was new. There was a lot of great furniture and we found exactly what we were looking for. It's always a great place to take an adult time out. Sylvia was wonderful she's one of the sales associates. She gave my daughter some really good advice.

  • en

    Marie Veva


    The staff here is wonderful! I was looking for a particular piece of furniture and the associate was very helpful. Also, I had forgotten to give the cashier my coupon at checkout and the manager cheerfully re-rang all the items from my receipt, which was a total of about 20 items. I will make another trip there when I have to replenish my home supplies!

  • en

    Joshua Cooper


    Great for furniture. Plus, you get to discover some other nice things every few weeks. I bought most of my furniture, dishes, and cleaning supplies from Big Lots.

  • Kitties Eating Sugar Frosted Donuts

    Kitties Eating Sugar Frosted Donuts


    It's small but cozy. Great deals to touch up on a room. Really nice quality and cute items.

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