Bical Chevrolet of Valley Stream en Valley Stream

Estados UnidosBical Chevrolet of Valley Stream



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709, West Merrick Road, 11580, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-285-6500
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6723459, Longitude: -73.7220686

comentarios 5

  • Vance Rivera

    Vance Rivera


    Actual auto service for vehicles are not too bad. Unfortunately customer service really needs some work. Communication between their front desk employees and customers really needs some work.

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    Gary Stannish


    I experienced the best sales person ever, buying a car. Ryan Smith was absolutely by far the best salesman I have ever dealt with. I would and will recommend friends to come to this dealership and see Ryan. You will not be disappointed.

  • Andrew Murena

    Andrew Murena


    I went to Bical Chevrolet and spoke to Ryan about a 2015 equinox. He was really great and willing to work with you. He gave me a great price on the equinox that i couldnt refuse. I would recommend Ryan to anyone and everyone.

  • Asha Sawh

    Asha Sawh


    My family and I recently leased a Chevy Equinox from here and it was one of the best car dealing experiences we’ve had. We had the pleasure of working with Ryan Smith, he was so patient and kind! He worked with us to get a great deal, making sure we got everything we wanted for a price that was reasonable for us!! He also took the time to explain everything that we didn’t understand (all the technical stuff). He didn’t make us feel pressured nor rushed, not at all like the dealers we are used to! The whole process took about 3 hours, from looking at the car to driving it home...Quick and easy, and we’re so happy with our new car! If you’re thinking about getting yourself a Chevy, I would recommend you see Ryan!!!

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    Jennifer Adams


    I don't think I've ever left a dealership with such a positive experience! We were so happy with the attention and service we received. Quick and painless. Thank you to Diane and Terry for working with us. We really are happy with the price point and our new Traverse. THANK YOU!

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