Beval Engine & Machine Co i Islandia

Forenede StaterBeval Engine & Machine Co



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403, East Suffolk Avenue, 11749, Islandia, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-348-0555
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.796037, Longitude: -73.175617

kommentar 5

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    Dennis Mirante


    I scratched a cam using a seal extraction tool that turned out not to be compatible with my vehicle. I called and spoke to Mike on the phone, who told me to bring down the cam so he could take a look at it. I did so, and in less than 10 minutes Mike removed the scratches and restored the cam to serviceable condition, all for a reasonable price. In the future, whenever I have need of machine shop services, this outfit will be the one I go to.

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    Had king pin bushings done here. Fast, excellent service. The first price they quoted me was very fair, but they actually charged me less when the job turned out easier than anticipated. Hard to find that kind of honesty and fairness these days.

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    Lamar Robinson


    Needed to rebuild my honda race engine they did a bore and hone and hot tank best prices very good work will be returning for more work when the time comes

  • Gordon Lenz II

    Gordon Lenz II


    Beval Engine has been helping keep our fleet of vehicles on the job for over 10 years, whether a simple truck engine repair, diagnostics, or a major rebuild on one our Diesel Machines; they always do a great job! Professional, quick, quality work, and reliable service.

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