BettyRose Eyecare w Azle

Stany ZjednoczoneBettyRose Eyecare



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721, Boyd Road, 76020, Azle, Parker County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-444-1444
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.9041647, Longitude: -97.5462535

komentarze 5

  • Yondale Mears

    Yondale Mears


    I went in last Wednesday for a Plaquenil screening examination. I have just been advised by my rheumatologist office that they have not received the results of that examination a week later. I never saw anyone wipe any of the testing equipment off before it was used on me or after it was used on me, and the doctor was working between patients and at the front desk. The Tuesday following my visit I went to the ER where I was diagnosed with conjunctivitis. I would not recommend this clinic. And in response to the owner response as to poor hand washing...I am a medical laboratory technician by profession so I know full well the value and practice of good hand hygiene. Thank you!

  • Cori Flores

    Cori Flores


    They always take good care of me and my eyes needs. I'll never go to another place for my eye care needs. Always friendly and super professional.

  • en

    S Jacob


    Excellent service. The staff was friendly, the location was clean and easy to find. Dr. Marcos is a great doctor, she explained and answered all my concerns. If you are in need of an optometrist Dr. Marcos is the best!

  • en

    mini marcos


    Excellent service! Dr. Marcos is very knowledgeable and friendly. Wonderful staff and easy to find location. Definitely recommend this doctor to everyone!!!

  • en

    DaQuan Gray


    The staff is very kind and friendly the office is a nice space and super clean. This is a perfect place to go if you don't understand how insurance works (most people don't). The insurance lady is very patient when explaining your insurance and makes sure you understand your options before the exam begins unlike other places I've been too. The doctor is very thorough and friendly, real sweet lady and I loved the glasses prescription I will be going back and taking my wife soon!

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