Bethpage Federal Credit Union i Freeport

Forenede StaterBethpage Federal Credit Union



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210, West Merrick Road, 11520, Freeport, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 800-628-7070
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6527446, Longitude: -73.5894557

kommentar 5

  • June Stoyer

    June Stoyer


    They give you a hard time about transactions for their "sister branches". You cannot use the drive-thru for anything if this is the case. There is very little parking. The lines here are very long but there are a few tellers that are friendly. Bethpage, in general is not a friendly bank. This is primarily why I would not bank with them. On a side note, I think their ads are amusing. All of the women appear casual and approachable but the men always are in suits with their hands in their pockets.

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    Erline Hunter


    I joined this bank not because it's 3 blocks from my house because there are 2 other banks 2 blocks away that were there first. I joined it because of what a credit union represents. But honestly, I thought I was exaggerating when I started feeling that the service SUCKS. They are slow as HELL. If I have to go to the bank to talk to someone before I go to work I have to actually set time aside as if I am going to a Dr appointment or something. The main problem I have with this branch though is that both ATMs NEVER work!!! If this branch were in a different neighborhood they wouldn't be able to get away with giving this low grade service because phone wouldn't just accept it and go about their day. Please don't think that this is a one off and I'm freaking out. I have belonged to this branch about 2 years and it's a normal thing that I have to drive to Baldwin for a working ATM. The only problem is that the neighborhood people for some reason are not putting their foot down and saying this is enough. Please get your "stuff" together and bring unpl bank up to par. Your presence here has brought our neighborhood down! 😡

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    Londa Foss


    The ATM is broken a lot and can't deposit cash.

  • David Caba

    David Caba


    Their an 85% chance that both drive thru & regular atm doesn't work. Always a line when your trying do something inside.

  • Dominique Newsome

    Dominique Newsome


    Only been here a couple of times, but the staff is very accommodating and nice. The only reason I'm not rating 5 stars is because when it's packed, they never have a teller at every station as they should. The last time I was there, I went on my lunch break (bad idea) & the line was almost out of the door- all because they had ONE teller manning the desk.

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