Best Wireless i Hyattsville

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5400, Queens Chapel Road, 20782, Hyattsville, Prince George's County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 301-559-1135
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9561551, Longitude: -76.9622111

kommentar 5




    Soy cliente de esta tienda desde hace muchos años la verdad es una exelente atención son muy amables una calidad de servicio. Lo recomiendo siempre tienen diferentes promociones y teléfonos gratis y las empleadas siempre ayudan con cualquier problema

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    Muhammad Mahmud


    Unlocked phones and international calling options are available at very reasonable price

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    This place provides multiple companies under one roof and no push for a specific company. It is not like going into a corporate store of a cell phone provider and coming out with a long term contract which make you suffer every month

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    Haoyan Guo


    I went to this place two days ago, and it’s rather fine. You can get a new number, or pay your phone bill. You really should not expect too much. The mobile products have become very complicated nowadays. You really can’t ask the persons there to know all the things. They are just poor people running a small business to make a basic life. If you can, you should deal with the mobile companies directly. Otherwise, only looking for the most basic things form this place, and it will work fine. Like in my case, I had to obtain a phone number the same day, and could not wait for an online order. Thus you go there, you buy a number, and it was done. You really should not ask for any thing more complicated than this.

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    Carlos Menendez


    worst experience ever. please do not waste your time going to this store. the girls that work there are rude and will not try to help you out in anything. There is no customer service at this store

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