Best Image Hair Salon en Bethpage

Estados UnidosBest Image Hair Salon



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505, Stewart Avenue, 11714, Bethpage, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-465-3858
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.742497, Longitude: -73.4819201

comentarios 5

  • en

    Stephanie Ceparano


    I always get compliments on my haircuts. Eddie is also the best colorist!

  • Joy Murphy

    Joy Murphy


    Love this hair salon. Eddie is great. The times I have gone in there he has done exactly what I wanted. Also priced very fairly. I am definitely going to continue to go. I don't know how anyone could say anything negative!

  • en

    Angel Guyton


    I had my hair cut and styled by Eddie @ Best Image today and couldn't have been happier with the results! He gave me an awesome cut, plus he's friendly and welcoming. I was even in and out in under an hour. I'm always very nervous about trying new stylists, but I'm so glad I did - I will definitely be a return customer!

  • en

    Patti Miles


    Getting my hair cut scares me! But going to Best Image Hair Salon has changed that experience for me. I have had 5 or 6 haircuts at Best Image and am treated like an old friend when I arrive. Eddie, the owner, could not be more charming, professional, or talented. He cut my hair exactly as I asked, gave advice when requested, and I loved the finished results. My last 2 haircuts (when Eddie was unavailable) were done by Theresa. She was equally talented and fantastic. I love my latest haircut and will certainly return. I highly recommend Best Image Hair Salon!

  • en

    Tatums demonte


    The best hair dressers and colorist. My hair came out perfect the way I wanted it to. I strongly recommend this salon. Its very good customer service. The best attention to customers and you feel like your treated like family. Salon is always sparkling clean.

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