Best Buy w Chula Vista

Stany ZjednoczoneBest Buy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

59 N Broadway, Chula Vista, CA 91910, Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 619-420-1187
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.651428, Longitude: -117.095429

komentarze 5

  • en

    sHIFTY Mclazelface


    Security?? Thank god for Amazon! If even half of the mouth-breathing imbeciles on your floor you call "security" actually helped customers out instead of trying to creep around them and be annoying, it would be a more pleasant place to shop. Jeez, what a pathetic bunch of police academy failures. One of their security guys was in regular clothing and pretending to shop next to me (I am a male of color). It was so obvious that I actually stopped shopping, turned and looked at him and laughed. Maybe I'm just more aware of my surroundings due to 10+ years in LE but there are ways to do things and then there's the Best Buy in Chula Vista way.. Thank god for Amazon!

  • Fuarosa Aigamaua

    Fuarosa Aigamaua


    If 0 stars was a choice, I would definitely pick it for this Best Buy location. Usually when I visit I have a good experience, but my recent visit was the total opposite. My friend and I browsed around for tablets then came across the Fire tablet. We looked around for help but all we saw were employees walking around or either walking away from us to avoid helping us out. We were by the wireless connection area & noticed a handful of employees who made eye contact with us but turned around or away. I thought it was because they had a customer to help or they’re assigned only to that section of the store. I got tired of waiting so I approached a short, African American lady with glasses and asked her if somebody can help us out then she proceeded to answer me in an annoyed voice “yeah.” Then one of the male employees who’s name is Josh (Asian) said he would help us out, but the funny thing is he was one of the employees who saw us but tried avoiding us. SMH! He managed to answer our questions and help us out. We also noticed the lady kept walking away and trying to avoid us, don’t know the reason behind it. Overall, TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE! 1) Too many employees walking around, instead of helping customers. 2) About 5-6 employees walked passed us & never asked if we needed help with anything or if we had any questions. 3) a handful of employees who kept trying to avoid helping us when we made eye contact 4) The short lady who seemed annoyed to try and get someone to help us out. I will find out her name the next time I visit & will update this review. 5) Poor Customer service due to customers needs and expectation were not satisfied Best Buy Chula Vista, DO BETTER!!!!!

  • en

    Rafa C


    Let's be honest. .. everything they have can be found online. But these guys know their stuff. And with sooo many products flooding the market these days, you need info from people who know. Plus they don't beat you up when you return stuff.

  • Santisima Chakalandria

    Santisima Chakalandria


    Nice place good service young guy from the geek squad helped out 100% with my friends laptop. The bad thing is that they dont have the music instruments in the back anymore.. Got really good deals on my drum stuff when it was there .. But its still a nice spot to get all your electronic needs

  • en

    FingerONthe KILLswitch


    Got there and checked in, no problem. Was last in a long line of people, no problem. I waited patiently until my turn came. Still I was never called. After looking at my phone because I had to do something to pass the time, I see they had shuffled in another person ahead of me. Still, no problem. I put my phone away and started paying full attention because I am now at the front of the line. Another customer comes in and sits behind me, and a smug short petite guy with an attitude comes up, and says that they won't be able to see me for almost the same amount of time that I have been waiting. They won't get my business, nor will the Best Buy that employs them.

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