Best Buy w Westbury

Stany ZjednoczoneBest Buy



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1100, Old Country Road, 11590, Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-357-9025
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.74428, Longitude: -73.602012

komentarze 5

  • Kate Suau

    Kate Suau


    The service was terrific the sales people were knowledgeable for the products that we purchased. We bought a 55 inch television and they helped us take it to the car. It was on sale and it was a good price. We also looked at a home security camera. The salesperson person was knowledgeable and told us about our options. The store price-matched which is nice. We will definitely shop here again.

  • en

    Wayne Tillman


    This place is good to go and buy your electronics phone and a few other things that you might want around the house but I don't like that you have to search for someone to help you

  • en

    Deanna Sosa


    Best Buy is the place to be! I buy pretty much all of my electronics here. I mostly shop at the Westbury location The associate was very nice and extremely helpful. If he didn't know the answer to my question, he didn't hesitate to ask a fellow associate, rather than just say, 'I don't know' and leave it at that. I hate when people do that. Great experience. I will continue to shop at Best Buy for as long as I need anything they sell.

  • Nancy Behrens

    Nancy Behrens


    Have not been to a Best Buy that I haven't liked. This time around I had to go to Westbury to get everything I wanted in one place. Asked an associate for help and he was very nice and extremely helpful. He got everything I wanted and rang me up. Perfect experience.

  • Yen Shu Liao

    Yen Shu Liao


    Geek Squad repair service was overall expedient and people are nice. They did do 1 weird thing while formatting my laptop though, and installed Simplified Chinese version of Windows instead of the English one I had before. I can't read simplified Chinese, and they did their best to put my laptop back to 100% English as it originally was (despite this laptop being purchased while I was travelling in Taiwan, where they sold it in 100% English). Well they got my laptop back to 90% English, with the occasional system messages showing up in simplified Chinese. So a middle star rating for what was otherwise a good service experience.

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