Berger Appliances, Inc. en Hawthorne

Estados UnidosBerger Appliances, Inc.



🕗 horarios

441, Commerce Street, 10532, Hawthorne, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-769-2300
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.1117027, Longitude: -73.7942098

comentarios 5

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    Fantastic store....very helpful people with reasonable prices. Went there to purchase Air conditioners, they were very informative and offered me multiple options...the person I spoke to was very informative and helped me make a good choice. They offered installation also, the installer came on time and were very professional....the did a great job. I would recommend this place to everyone is Westchester county.

  • Francis Ferrera

    Francis Ferrera


    At Berger Appliance, you'll find friendliest and most courteous bunch of Appliance Retailers in the business!! I first met Jimmy K., Jimmy V., and Larry back in 1990, and down to this day, they and their knowledgeable staff continue to offer the best Customer Service you can ever hope for. I highly recommend purchasing your next new appliance from Berger's where you will find great deal's, great service, and be treated like friends and family.

  • Philip Reiter

    Philip Reiter


    I had a very knowledgeable sales person and the price was the same as a big box store.

  • Marianne Lepore

    Marianne Lepore


    Excellent place to purchase appliances. Very competitive. They install, and take away the old appliances. Very knowledgeable.

  • en

    Ron DiPietro


    Pros: Good selection, timely delivery, competitive pricing. Cons: Service. Once the delivery guys leave, the adventure begins! Follow-up is hit-and-miss, and problems linger because no one seems to take ownership (delivery guys, technicians...). You better hope conditions in your house are perfect for your new appliance! I give 3 stars because nice guys run the place, but they have to get the post sale part improved.

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