Ben's Appliance en New York

Estados UnidosBen's Appliance



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500, Armstrong Avenue, 10308, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-477-1775
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.545375, Longitude: -74.158595

comentarios 4

  • en

    Etleva Trepca


    I've been using Ben's Appliance for years. Ben is very reliable and his prices very reasonable. I love the fact that he can fix anything, from regular appliances to high end ones. I always trusted Ben's Appliance and I would totally recommend him. You won't be disappointed.

  • L L

    L L


    I'm so impressed by bens appliances on his promptness and helping me with air-conditioning service during the 4th of July weekend. The service was excellent, affordable and very professional. I own my house for 25 years and I have my AC unit serviced several times but I have to say that the way this guy conducts his business and treats his customers, is unbelievable. I highly recommend him and his company!

  • en

    Ryan McKeever


    Great service! We had an issue with our Dishwasher and needed service ASAP. We called Ben's Appliance Service and the owner came right over and fixed the issue. I would definitely recommend using their services.

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    Sandy M


    I found this repair service online and I would not recommend him to anyone. A great disappointment in service and price. I feel he tried to rip me off and it was his fault for not doing the job right the first time. He came to fix my oven and I explained to him that both the oven and broiler were not working. He fixed the oven part and never fixed the broiler. I called him two days later and he came back and checked the oven again and said I needed the same part for the broiler. I told him I explained that to him the first time and you didn't fix it. He said he would need to order a part and that particular part has gone up in price three times the limit. He got a little nasty when I went to question him about the price. He said he would order the part and call me in a few days to let me know how much everything would cost. He called back and said it would be $220 plus the service charge. He charged me a total of $283.08 the first time. I take it as a lesson learned and I will never use this repair service again. P.S. I called another repair service and they fixed my oven for a total of $150.00.

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