Benny's Key Shop i Tampa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBenny's Key Shop



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3245, West Bay to Bay Boulevard, 33629, Tampa, Hillsborough County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 813-960-1939
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 27.9198661, Longitude: -82.4966008

kommentar 5

  • RUSTY Carpenter

    RUSTY Carpenter


    Excellent service. A bit behind the time in technology.

  • karen s

    karen s


    They made copies of non standard keys for me. It was quick, courteous service, and the prices are very reasonable , better than Home-depot (who couldn't make the keys I needed).

  • en

    John Franklin


    I don't write reviews, no time, but had to do this. Another locksmith installed a deadbolt too tight, I broke the lock. Then I destroyed the lock trying to get it out and all left was the bolt. Called Benny's there in 20 minutes! Had bolt out in five minutes new one in five minutes....done! Going to have these guys on speed dial!

  • Shane Vanderson

    Shane Vanderson


    Called three shops...Benny's was by far the most helpful and straight-forward.

  • en



    I have used Benny's several times and it is always a pleasure. Austin is a very friendly man and extremely knowledgeable. He is prompt and thoroughly explains what needs to be done. He definitely is interested in what solution best serves the customer. I always highly recommend Benny's to all of my friends and relatives. If anyone has a need for a locksmith service, look no further, call Benny's. You won't be disappointed.

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