Benny Blancos w Denver

Stany ZjednoczoneBenny Blancos



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616, East 13th Avenue, 80203, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 303-831-1346
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.736768, Longitude: -104.979363

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tena McDevitt


    Ordered pizzas late night. I got the wrong pizza-- I'm allergic to jalapenos and that is what I received. We called to coplain and I could hear him shrugging. Bought a salad, had it delivered to a hotel but they couldn't spring for a fork.

  • Jessica Bellar

    Jessica Bellar


    Average cook time 1 hour per pizza. 3 pizzas 3 hours, literally. How about ya get off here and get to working on a plan for a quicker production. If I was lying I would say I liked it and we will order again. :)

  • Jason Stroppa

    Jason Stroppa


    Was passing through Denver and got recommended the joint. Absolutely a 🔥 slice for a great price. Went to Slice Works the next day and it left me disappointed especially considering I had to wait 10 minutes for a single slice and it was 50% more expensive. Benny Blanco's is where it's at! Will definitely stop here if I'm ever in Denver again. 6/5 Stars

  • en

    Elisa Olivarez


    I absolutely LOVED this place...And I will say that their Philly is the best I've ever had. But. The service I received the other night (Jan 25, 2018) was complete garbage. I called to ask if their recipe changed because the pizza was EXTREMELY salty. It tastes like 2 tablespoons of salt...per slice. The guy was a total jerk and asked if I'd called before; which I hadn't, this should be a sign that your pizza was too damn salty. Any customer service would have been fantastic. I'll swing by to order a Philly sometime (shame about that pizza though, I loved that they are open late!) It's a gamble, pizza could be phenomenal. Thanks! :)

  • Aaron Davis

    Aaron Davis


    Decent slices w ample toppings to choose from. Open later than most places on the Monday night we arrived. Fantastic slice worthy of 4 stars. But there's better out there. No real room in there to do anything but order and receive your pizza.

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