Bennachin en New Orleans

Estados UnidosBennachin



🕗 horarios

1212, Royal Street, 70116, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, US Stany Zjednoczone
contactos teléfono: +1 504-522-1230
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 29.9622273, Longitude: -90.0608442

comentarios 5

  • Shelby Schouweiler

    Shelby Schouweiler


    Multiple vegan options. The black eyed pea dish is amazing, and a big portion. We like to split between 2 people as it's $15.99.

  • Crissi Beth

    Crissi Beth


    Fantastic food. Authentic, delicious, great portions. Fun ambiance, cozy. They will make any menu item vegetarian for you. The spices were spot on. Wasn't crowded when we went, even when other nearby restaurants were. Skip the mainstream and enjoy this hidden gem. Highly recommend.

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    ashley dee


    Visited New Orleans and this was the first place my friend and I stopped. Absolutely lovely art and customer service and to top it off, the food was excellent! Please try the black eyed peas fritters with the tomato sauce!

  • Jessica Bordelon

    Jessica Bordelon


    Oh yes! It was everything that friends said it would be. Rich and flavorful and the location is beautiful! We sat in the front window which sounds strange but you'll understand when you get there

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    Lisa Ann999


    If I could give less I would. Bad service with bad attitude for no apparent reason and to others as well. Bad food. One of the worst experiences of my life.

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