Beneventos en Boston

Estados UnidosBeneventos



🕗 horarios

111, Salem Street, 02113, Boston, Suffolk County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 617-523-4111
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 42.3642823, Longitude: -71.055398

comentarios 5

  • Kevin Warren

    Kevin Warren


    Staff very friendly. Food excellent. Can get busy Saturday evenings.

  • Sarah



    Awesome gluten free menu. They have gluten free garlic bread which is always a plus!

  • en

    Joane Nahue


    I was recommended by a friend who said it was one of the better North’s send restaurants. Unfortunately, my friends and I had a pretty bad experience. The food was okay but not worth the price points. Even worse, the waitress never brought any bread to the table and when we asked her if she could bring some she said they ran out. A few minutes later we saw her place bread on the table next to us so we decided to ask her again for bread and she repeated, “I told you we ran out, I’m sorry”. Then a few minutes later once again she refilled bread for a table down the row and then placed bread for some new customers. I just don’t understand why she would blatantly lie to us. This was probably just a one time incident but I probably won’t be visiting again.

  • Nathaniel Goldstein

    Nathaniel Goldstein


    We went for dinner on a Friday night. The pizza and fried calamari were delicious. Upstairs was a great setting with the open kitchen and fire. We could have gone without the constant bell ringing every time a new plate was ready to be served. They were slamming on the bell and interrupting conversations.

  • Matt Kemp

    Matt Kemp


    We came here without a reservation after finding the place next door (recommended to us) to be full. Thankfully we got a table straight away and the staff were very friendly. As for the food, it was some of the best Italian we've had and firmly proved that the reputation of the North End for food is well deserved.

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