Ben Wilson Construction w Wappingers Falls

Stany ZjednoczoneBen Wilson Construction



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1522, New York 376, 12590, Wappingers Falls, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-797-1264
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.622643, Longitude: -73.869606

komentarze 5

  • en

    Edward Kaplan


    I contracted Ben to do a vinyl siding job on my ranch home. I called several local contractors, with no prior knowledge of their work, and Ben impressed me with his prompt response and timely estimate. He seemed knowledgeable and sincere and did not try to sell me unnecessary extras. I also liked the fact that he is a hands-on owner of his business, doing all the actual work along with his brother John. And because his is basically a two man operation (with a little help from his son at times), the cost of the job is kept down when compared to bigger outfits that have to pay their workers. Ben’s price was well below the other larger company that gave me an estimate. But don’t think that a two man crew means longer to complete the job. Ben and John have been working together for twenty years and it really is a thing of beauty to watch the teamwork in action. They know intuitively what has to be done and work with maximum efficiency. My siding job, including removal of the old siding and installing rigid insulation board, was completed from start to finish in five days. The brothers are true craftsmen and the attention to detail is outstanding. I heartily recommend Ben Wilson, and he certainly will be the one I call for my next home project.

  • en

    Corie Kirsch


    Been wilson Construction company did a complete basement refinish, as well as brand new stairs, new railing and front door. From start to finish, Ben Wilson was easy to work with, did beautiful work and had a great eye for how things would look. I highly recommend using them for all your home improvement projects! We already have another project in mind and we will definitely use Ben Wilson’s construction!

  • Dan B

    Dan B


    We hired Ben Wilson Construction to replace a tiny worn out old deck with a larger trex deck on our new (to us) home and we are thrilled with the results. Ben was on site every day, and was always very responsive to emails, phone calls, and texts. The work was extremely well done, well thought out and fast. They work very efficiently. We met with a few contractors while researching our options and Ben seemed like a man of his word. We were correct. We would not hesitate to recommend him or use his services again. As a bonus his team members are all very pleasant, polite, and work quickly. Thank you, Ben Wilson Construction!

  • en

    Andrew Varga


    I have engaged Ben Wilson on several projects including building deck stairs, installing new basement windows and door, installing garage entry fire door, remodeling back entry foyer, and replacing dining room ceiling. Ben has consistently been prompt both in starting and completing work, providing high quality workmanship, and insuring a neat and tidy job site. I have been very satisfied with his services and would not hesitate to recommend him for carpentry and construction projects.

  • en

    Jennifer Sarasky-Morales


    Let me start off by saying my husband and I are extremely particular when it comes to trusting contractors. From first introduction to the completion of his work Ben and his team were courteous, ON-TIME, and completely Professional. We asked him to open up a large load bearing wall and he did an excellent Job, we could not be happier. I felt so comfortable with his general professionalism, I probably will be using his services for all additional projects. I have already referred him to some neighbors and to my own mom. A++ for him and his crew.

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