Belle + Barre w San Diego

Stany ZjednoczoneBelle + Barre



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3956, 1st Avenue, 92103, San Diego, San Diego County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 619-642-0271
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7492929, Longitude: -117.1641294

komentarze 5

  • Susan James

    Susan James


    This workout is a great mix of cardio bursts and sculpting moves. Heavy weights are used as well as other props. The heated room is tough at first but you will feel amazing afterwards. The best part is the cold towel after the cool down at the end of class. A great workout and sweat!

  • Annie Lou

    Annie Lou


    love LOVE LOVE this studio. The space is clean & simple, all the instructors are super fun and kick your butt in the best way. They're not at all intimidating or snooty mctoots about looking good (lol), they just push you to have fun and get that workout that you came for. At first the heat was of course wow somethin else... but once you get used to it you can't get enough. When you get a bit older it feels like it takes forever to warm up and get going, so having the heated room+constant variation of circuit workouts is a double whammy and you get this absolutely killer workout every time you go!! The format is also easy to understand and catch onto so you know how much longer you have to survive, haha. The only negatives are limited class times and it's tough to find parking in the area. But it's all worth it. Thank you B+B! You're the best!

  • Leisa Sutton

    Leisa Sutton


    Kelly the owner is great! Also Leah is so upbeat and positive.

  • en

    april bennett


    I am so grateful I found this studio! I felt welcomed from the moment I walked in & left feeling amazing! The workout is exactly what I was looking for! It has the perfect balance of barre, strength training and cardio! Thank you Belle & Barre for transforming my 40 year old mom bod back to it's 30 year old glory!!

  • Chelsea Wagner

    Chelsea Wagner


    Great work out! Full body and non traditional barre experience! I love that each instructor is equally as hard and follows the same structure so I know I will get an awesome workout when I go in! They use many types of equipment but are experienced and educated to coach you through form and moves. DO NOT want to miss out on this experience in San Diego, I would say top 3 favorite studios I have ever been to!

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