Bella Sorrellas w Bayonne

Stany ZjednoczoneBella Sorrellas



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1020, Broadway, 07002, Bayonne, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-455-8844
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.682793, Longitude: -74.102008

komentarze 5

  • en

    Neil Schulman


    Always grest food at a great price.with fantastic service.

  • en

    Jonathan Kazar


    The best Marsala souce I've ever had. The veal parmagiana is excellent always thin and crispy. The Chicken Scarpielo is delicious.

  • Dr Peter Tsambazis

    Dr Peter Tsambazis


    Excellent Italian cuisine! Birthday dinner and wine was on point. Chicken Florentine, eggplant Parmesan, and seafood was delicious ,Loved every bit, thanks!!

  • Denise C.

    Denise C.


    Food was great. I had the sole filet stuffed with crab. The waiters and whole staff are friendly

  • en

    Jasmine Gonsalez


    We usually go to a different Italian place in town but we live closer to Bella Sorrellas and my boyfriend’s parents love it so we thought we would finally try it. We went on a Wednesday evening so it wasn’t very busy. The waitress was okay. Not very attentive and at times a little short when taking our orders. I got the chicken Marsala and picked the potatoes and veggies instead of the pasta as my side. It came with sweet potatoes (actually really tasty) but the green beans were over steamed and mushy. The Marsala sauce was a little too sweet for my taste so I left most of it. Someone else who likes it a little sweeter might have regretted not getting the pasta because there was so much sauce on the chicken that you don’t really know how to eat without something else to soak it up. My boyfriend got the broiled seafood platter. I don’t eat seafood but he said the clams were too bready and the shrimp was under seasoned. He thought the red sauce that came with the pasta side was decent and I agree. Nothing spectacular but it did taste homemade. All in all, it was an average meal. From other reviews and my in laws suggestions, I was ready to have my mind blown and we left a little disappointed.

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