Bella Casa Floors en Hackensack

Estados UnidosBella Casa Floors



🕗 horarios

254, South Summit Avenue, 07601, Hackensack, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 201-343-3438
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8762737, Longitude: -74.0650264

comentarios 3

  • Christine Collins

    Christine Collins


    Charlie is not only very professional, he is just a very nice person. While most contractors act as if there doing you a favor, he is always thankful for your business. He even sent me a card with a scratch-off. I worked with him twice already

  • Kathleen Clark

    Kathleen Clark


    The floor installed by Bella Casa Floors looks fantastic! We were impressed with every step - from Charlie's initial visit to our home to discuss the possibilities to the final installation. The installers were friendly, professional, conscientious and worked extremely hard all day. It looks beautiful. Everyone who sees it can't believe it's the same room. Even my children - who tend to not want anything from their childhood home changed - love it. I was also pleased with how fast it was installed after I ordered it. I had an upcoming event and knew it might be too short notice for a new floor, but it was ordered and installed in time for the big day. We originally just wanted a new kitchen floor, but after working with Bella Casa and seeing the results, we're now considering calling Charlie to talk about a new floor in our living room. If you need new flooring, I highly recommend calling Bella Casa.

  • en

    Norman Levy


    Charlie was great throughout the whole process of choosing, installing and post installation followup. Good selections, excellent advice and prompt followup when necessary. Would definitely use Bella Casa for any future flooring needs. Thank you Charlie!

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