Bella Bridesmaids w Nashville

Stany ZjednoczoneBella Bridesmaids



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3706, Hillsboro Pike, 37215, Nashville, Davidson County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 615-383-8004
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Latitude: 36.1099027, Longitude: -86.8109636

komentarze 5

  • en

    Rachel Mann


    They have a great selection of dresses and everyone was super sweet.

  • Laura Seitz

    Laura Seitz


    Such a cute shop!!! I’m a bridesmaid in 4 (you read that right!) weddings this year and I'm getting all of my dresses at Bella. I feel like a VIP whenever I go in- and I’m not even the bride! Simply the best bridesmaids dresses in Nashville!

  • David Taylor

    David Taylor


    Delightful stylist. Lovely owner.

  • Curry Campbell

    Curry Campbell


    My experience at Bella Bridesmaid was by far the best bridesmaid experience I have had thus far. Our large party was welcomed in to the Green Hills store in Nashville, TN with open arms and a friendly face, namely, Allison, the new owner of the Bella Bridesmaid franchise! By the end our our appointment, our group felt like she was just as much a part of the wedding party as any of us. Bella Bridesmaid offers a unique experience in that it is highly organized, offers a wide variety of fabrics & styles, & gives a feel that you are with your best friends playing dress-up in your bedroom. Allison gave us very practical advice and helped us find the best fit and style to accomodate a wide range of shapes and sizes. I am very satisfied with the dress she helped us choose and can't wait to wear it to be by our bride's side very soon!

  • Anna Moore

    Anna Moore


    First of all, it should be noted regarding the bad reviews below that the Nashville Bella Bridesmaid is now under new ownership within the past year, which makes the bad reviews obsolete and irrelevant.... The new owner, Allison, is amazing!! I would definitely suggest Bella Bridesmaid to any bride looking for the perfect dress for her girls! I have a fairly large bridal party and we came in and handled our large group so gracefully. She made us feel right at home and helped us pick the perfect dress! She takes a really thoughtful approach to make sure your vision is fulfilled! There is a very nice selection with many different styles and colors to choose from! She is also very honest and upfront about which dresses will need a lot of alterations or have had issues in the past, which I found extremely helpful. My bridal party and I had such a great experience and couldn't wait to go back for everyone's fittings. The fact that Bella Bridesmaid is a franchise makes it super easy on your out-of-town bridesmaids. There are tons of locations in different cities where they can go and get fitted without having to make a special trip to Nashville! It's also a great place for mother-of-the-bride dresses! Taking my mom back there soon!! Go visit Allison and find the dress of your dreams!

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