Bed Bug Chasers en North Bergen

Estados UnidosBed Bug Chasers



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8431, Liberty Avenue, 07047, North Bergen, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 908-698-4709
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.809813, Longitude: -74.013511

comentarios 5

  • en

    Scott Bravi


    Ripoff. They quoted $2500 to heat treat master suite--750 square feet. Seriously. Praying on people's fear. Call a local exterminator and don't give people who pray on people's fear any of your money.

  • Fred Courduff

    Fred Courduff


    Way over priced. Had same type of treatment done for $1 a sqft. They wanted $2 a sqft.

  • en

    Elizabeth Hall


    I had a really good experience with this company. They were competitively priced, able to get out for an appointment quickly, on time, efficient, and thorough. I would definitely recommend this service!

  • en

    Joe Gere


    We have used this company for bed bugs on clients yachts, they are the only company that can heat and not damage the composite wood cabinetry in the finer yachts we insure. Chemicals are not an option on board and they have never failed us!

  • en

    Matthew Condouris


    I had been dealing with a bed bug infestation for the past three months. After two chemical treatments, I thought nothing would work. I was hesitant to go with heat, but took a chance and called the BedBug Chasers. Not only did they solve my bed bug problem, they also preformed the job in an entirely professional manner. They gave me tips on how to avoid reintroducing these pests into my home and have put my mind at ease. Now I can finally sleep without the fear that I'm being eaten alive by bed bugs, thanks to the BedBug Chasers!

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