BeautyVille Laser & Aesthetics w Hicksville

Stany ZjednoczoneBeautyVille Laser & Aesthetics



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394, Woodbury Road, 11801, Hicksville, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-261-9368
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7826356, Longitude: -73.5035594

komentarze 5

  • Savino Paulette

    Savino Paulette


    My laser hair removal result is pretty good and the prices are fair. The people who work here are so friendly. Highly recommended this place for ur beauty!

  • Miriam Vanhoutte

    Miriam Vanhoutte


    I REALLY LIKE BeautyVille! The staff are totally professional, awesome and caring! From the front desk person to the owner and specially my facialist Natalie. The environment is very professional yet relaxing. I am always happy with my facial and hair removal session. I have been very happy as part of their members and I truly enjoy every visit.

  • Lydia Cunningham

    Lydia Cunningham


    Beautyville is the best place to go for any and all of your skin care needs. Book any service with Natalie and you will not be disappointed! She is sweet and super knowledgeable, I love coming to her with my skin questions or concerns. She will gladly discuss with you and make recommendations, and explain all of the many services they offer to see what might be right for you. When I started going to her my skin changed and has never looked better!!!

  • Maloney Beggs

    Maloney Beggs


    If you want a truly exciting skin care experience then go to BeautyVille in Hicksville. They have a fantastic skin care expert there by the name of Natalie so make sure to book your services with her. She is totally knowledgeable in all the many aspects encompassing great skin care. She is incredible and super patient when answering all of your questions. She takes a personal interest in your skin care regime and can tell you what you should be doing as far as skin maintenance and what particular products will be best for your individual skin care needs. If you can afford it the packages are a great way to lower the cost of your facial. They carry top of the line products and the layout and design of this spa will relax you right upon entry. It is skin care with class. I am in my early 50's and have seen some amazing improvements thanks to Natalie. Everyone there is very friendly, courteous, helpful and really go out of their way to welcome you.

  • en

    Yakov Binyaminov


    My experience at Beautyville was amazing! The salon is very nice and clean. Natalie was very friendly and welcoming. She went over all the packages that they offered for laser hair removal as well as the details of the procedure. The treatments were completely painless and effective. I highly recommend this salon to everyone!!

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