Bear Creek Country Kitchens en Westbury

Estados UnidosBear Creek Country Kitchens


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1400, Old Country Road, 11590, Westbury, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-499-6969
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Latitude: 40.7555315, Longitude: -73.5519709

comentarios 5

  • en

    Wendy Laughridge


    I bought and made the ‘darn good’ chili soup mix, and am highly impressed!! This mix is good when prepared as directed, and even more amazing when you add your own twist!! I added some leftover hamburger, stewed tomatoes, a half of leftover tomato, little crushed chili flakes, and dinner is done!! There’s so much you can do with this mix that I’m actually excited for the next time I have leftovers that I can add to this chili!!

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    Janet Ormsbee


    I've been using your soup for 4 years now. My daughter just got married, and called and asked for my cheddar broccoli,and creamy potato soup. I had to tell her it wasn't me, it was YOU😁. I always add ham, more broccoli, bacon,chicken,and mushrooms( in the different soups). My only complaint MIGHT be a little less the taste, but dr.'s orders.thanks again for a great product.

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    Watson Baumgartner


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    Bernie Stewart


    Your cheddar potato soup mix is terrible. My wife and I tried it and after a couple small spoonfuls we threw it in the garbage. What a waste of water to make it. It was supposed to be good till Nov. of 2018. We will never buy another product from your company.

  • Mike Gallagher

    Mike Gallagher


    The "mix" in the Navy Bean soup stays hard. Vegetables in the package are nothing like shown on the front!

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