Beacon Inn w Brookline

Stany ZjednoczoneBeacon Inn



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1750, Beacon Street, 02445, Brookline, Norfolk County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-566-0088
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3383906, Longitude: -71.1409475

komentarze 5

  • Bill Blair

    Bill Blair


    Cool place and great location. You can walk to restaurants. You can hop on the T right out front and get anywhere. It’s not a normal hotel so you have to go up stairs. I will stay here again

  • Kaitlin Orosz

    Kaitlin Orosz


    Stay elsewhere and save yourself the headache. I would give negative stars if it were an option. They charge you $33 per night to reserve a parking space (they created three parking spots in the lot behind the building with paint on the ground) and they want you to leave your car keys in an unsecured box in the lobby "in case they need to move your vehicle". They don't mention the park about the keys until you're there checking in. We reserved our parking space well in advance and when they asked for our keys I told them I wasn't comfortable leaving them out for anyone to have access to. The woman working didn't have an issue with it. Two days into our stay we returned back to the room around midnight and all three parking spots were taken up. Since the front desk is only staffed 9a-10p we had to find an emergency number to contact. The girl that answered the phone said she would come take a look. After almost an hour of us sitting in our car waiting for an answer we were finally told that they would handle it in the morning and that we should park on the street and they would pay for our parking ticket. Where the girl told us to park on the street was literally under a sign that said "tow zone". We were left to fend for ourselves after midnight in a new to us city not having any idea where to put our car. The next morning we were told that if we wanted our parking spot back we had to give them our car keys. The girl working the desk was clueless and tried to have this puff out of chest attitude. We asked for a manager to contact us and all the girl would say was, "I'll pass along your concerns". We asked multiple times and we're never allowed to speak to management. After this huge ordeal no apologies, no compensation for the huge inconvenience, nothing. For a B&B their pathetic excuse for a breakfast is muffins, croissants & old oatmeal packets. You have no control over the temperature of your room, the heat blasted all night on the 4th floor and it was so hot. They buy the cheapest towels & toilet paper possible. The shower is smaller than tiny.

  • Glennette Pappas

    Glennette Pappas


    Great location, convenient to transit, restaurants, etc. Staff very helpful, friendly and professional. Bedding , towels, floors & bath seemed clean enough, however the overall cleanliness is lacking. There was a heavy coat of dust on furniture, blinds, baseboards, etc. The area rug did not appeared to be recently vacuumed. We certainly understand the age of the property but old charm can still be clean.

  • Jean Hulligan

    Jean Hulligan


    This is a quaint inn located in a mostly residential area of Brookline but close enough to public transportation and restaurants to walk. There are stairs to walk up to the guest rooms so know there is not an elevator. We had a room with two double beds and a private bathroom. Everything was clean and functioning as expected. The biggest thing to keep in mind is that it is a privately owned and operated inn, not a huge corporate chain. It provides a true Boston experience with some well loved and worn antique furniture pieces, and the hardwood floors may creek. It also has a lovely flower garden in front with a few bistro chairs where you can enjoy the free coffee and light breakfast each morning. They have a reasonably priced parking lot behind the building. My son and I stayed there to attend my daughter's graduation from BU, and it was a very pleasant experience. The front desk staff was pleasant and very helpful.

  • CB CB

    CB CB


    The ambiance is charming and the decorator did a good job for the most part. The staff are lovely. However, this place is prone to bedbugs! It's due to negligence no less. The mattress had no protective cover. Neither did the pillows. I wiped the table and the wipe came out filthy gross. The bedsheets are thin and right against the dirty mattress, with all strangers' sweat. It felt like a health hazard for sure. Hotels should take better precautions to avoid these issues. I was worried I could be bringing a bug infestation into my home from the management's negligence.

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