Beach Dental w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneBeach Dental



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7570, North Beach Street, 76137, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-605-7272
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.8760441, Longitude: -97.2889645

komentarze 5

  • en

    Priscilla Hernandez


    You should believe everything most of these reviews! They are money hungry. The girls in the front seem to hate their job, they always have a mad face. I got a root canal and he put gauze on my tongue, I could taste all of the bleach which was horrible! Only good thing I could say about this place, is that it's pretty inside and one of the dental assistants was always really sweet to me. I wouldn't recommend this place to ANYONE! Wish I would have never came here in the first place!

  • en

    Julie Fountain


    If you want to go to a dentist that you get told three different prices on the procedure then go to him. If you want to go to a dentist that is all about making money go to him I cannot say it's just him is out to make money his office manager who I understand is his wife go to this dentist. I've had three procedures done twice they gave me refund checks cuz I overpaid but after I told them I was just pleased with them charging me more than what they said they were going to charge and questioning it all the sudden I get a bill. If you're overpaying them how do you get a refund check because you overpaid them don't understand it when I found out that I had periodontal disease and had to have most of my back teeth extracted I was very upset, his dental assistant and front office were very very sweet I have nothing bad to say about them at all. However he was uncaring shoot he forgot my name and what he has done for me and it was less than a year then I seen him but it's his office manager and the overcharging that is out of control. I have TMJ syndrome and my mouth wide open trying to let him know I'm in pain cuz my jaw is locked open it was just dental assistant who noticed not him don't go here it's not worse the pain he put you through and the pain that your wallet goes through even with insurance stay away!

  • Caryna Oliveira

    Caryna Oliveira


    I came in for a cleaning. The office was pretty new and clean. Everything was pretty straight forward. The staff was nice. I thought the cleaning was pretty through. Unlike some other places I went in the past where.

  • en

    Tommy Tran


    Went in for a deep cleaning and some work on my bridge. Staff was friendly and helpful. They use some of the newer technologies and office was also new. Doctor Nguyen was gentle. Best of all the prices were ALOT more reasonable than other offices. Two thumbs up for me.

  • en

    antonio j


    My family and me have enjoy the excellent service at Beach Dental for the last 10 years. Dr. Nguyen is a great at what he does and tries to provide you with the best possible service. My kids love the place and the staff is very helpful knowledgeable.

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