Bayport School of Music en Bayport

Estados UnidosBayport School of Music



🕗 horarios

568, Middle Road, 11705, Bayport, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-472-1917
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7379314, Longitude: -73.0513886

comentarios 3

  • en

    Sam Cavalieri


    I started playing the guitar 3 years ago at the age of 73, I have been taking lessons with David going on now for 2 years, I cannot believe what he has taught me within this time, I’m able to play multiple songs, beginning to read music, have done 4 performances, David is an excellent teacher he is bringing out my ability to play the guitar, he is not a cookie cutter teacher, he’s very creative and knowledgeable, and very encouraging, if your serious about learning to play guitar, David is the teacher you want to learn from. Sammy C

  • David Doig

    David Doig


  • Riley Clare

    Riley Clare


    Such a great place. Very nice people, Reasonable price, and great talent. I am a 12 year old kid and I have gone there for 2 hours total so far and I have learned Paranoid and Iron man on the bass and the guitar. They teach several instruments and the teacher could be Eddie Van Halen in a mask. I would suggest this to anyone who wants to learn an instrument and wants to learn Quick. 5 STAR PLACE and from one Rocker to another ROCK ON!!!!!

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