Bay Ridge Barber Shop w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBay Ridge Barber Shop



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6908, 3rd Avenue, 11209, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 917-603-8485
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6355456, Longitude: -74.0263286

komentarze 5

  • en

    jananthan paramsothy


    friendly barber shop and they were very patient with the customers And very professional Its a nice environment

  • en

    Irin Banks


    If the owner isn't in..dont waste your time. The barbers there are the slowest I've ever seen. Waited 30 minutes and one barber was STILL cutting hair. The chick took some guy that came in after. And the short guy seems to only take his peoples. Rather go to DNA on 86th and spend 10 extra dollars. At least I know the wait wont be long

  • Damaris Mercado

    Damaris Mercado


    Price isn't too bad. My husband gets the cut he wants. Great service and friendly employees

  • N Vitas

    N Vitas


    My go to barbershop. Sometimes the wait can be long. On weekdays 10 AM - 3 PM you can be in and out in about half an hour. Great barbers. They recently raised the price for a regular hair cut to $18 but so did all of the other barbershops in Bay Ridge so I ain’t complaining. Ask for 9-finger Joe for that high, high fade that will make the ladies swoon.

  • en

    Mohammed Amin


    I've been going to this Barbershop, to Boris ever since 2011, the man has never let me down and I'll tell ya, I've been to quite a few other barbershops for a cut before he got here and no one and I mean no one does it like Boris and his crew. The consistency, the respect, the care, and the integrity this man has, is one of a kind. He's been a friend and a person I can talk to with just about anything, when getting a haircut.. which to say, other than cutting hair, the guy is a walking wisdom machine !

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