Batteries 4 Less w Las Vegas

Stany ZjednoczoneBatteries 4 Less



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3965, East Charleston Boulevard, 89104, Las Vegas, Clark County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 702-927-6341
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Latitude: 36.1583506, Longitude: -115.0889801

komentarze 5

  • Malaika Aponte

    Malaika Aponte


    Love their prices!!

  • en

    Anthony Colon


    Great place to get cheap price on car batteries or any batteries connectors, etc... Very good customer service. I recommend this place if you ever have any car battery issues.

  • en

    RA smith


    VEGAS, THE BIGGEST LITTLE TOWN IN THE WORLD!!! IF YOU TAKE CARE OF YOUR CUSTOMERS IN VEGAS THEY WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU. IF YOU SCREW YOUR CUSTOMERS AND TREAT THEM LIKE GARBAGE IN THIS TOWN. WORD TRAVELS VERY QUICKLY. BATTERIES FOR LESS? OR BATTERIES FOR MORE HEADACHES AND BS? You be the judge. I was treated very rudely and disrespected when I was there today. Not only that they completely wasted my time which is extremely frustrating cause time is money right? I tried to reason with the owner but he was just rude and dismissive. So, instead of getting upset. I went to google :) And Im glad I went on google BECAUSE, I found out that Walmart has NEW BATTERIES for $50.00 with a real warranty. Not junk batteries with a crappy sticker stuck on it. Batteries for Headaches and BS advertise these junk batteries they get from pic a part junk yard in bulk for CHEAP and sell to you for 25.00 (which you can just get at Pic a Part or any local junk yard for guess how much? 25.00 ) but sell them for 40.00 when you get there. That's called a bait and switch. They give you three month warranty but I doubt they last a week. At least that has been my experience. If you bring it back they will hassle you which is horrible and a complete waste of time. Ebay has real re manufactured(Not picked out of the local junk yards and cleaned up and sold as re-manufactured) starters, alternators, and A/C compressors cheaper and delivered to your door. With a real warranty. SHOP SMART PEOPLE!! MONEY DON'T GROW ON TREES. Moral of the story. I was promised over the phone that it would cost 70.00 for an AC compressor that was used and may have worked but I was willing to take a chance on it. I drove 30 mins only to be told that the guy that told me the price was not there. And unless the guy I talked to on the phone called the owner right then and told the owner the price was 70.00 the owner said the price is now 90.00 or I could leave. REALLY????? So, after I left ( cause you know I left fast and was like WHAT????) I drove another 30 mins home and went right on Ebay. I found the same part in new condition that had actually been tested as a good working FACTORY A/C compressor for $49.00 and shipped in two days to my home for $20.00. Which is the same price minus the bait and switch that I was promised from Batteries for headaches and BS. AND NOW NO MORE BS AND NO MORE HEADACHES AND NO MORE BATTERIES FOR LESS!!!!

  • en

    Jason Borne


    Ok First I went to this to purchase a used battery side post to be exact I also took a used battery with me for the $5 discount now I have been here before and I have purchased batteries for $35 including the $5 used battery exchange so anyway I go today and some guy with long hair told me that they only had new batteries I asked him the price of the new battery and he told me it was 80 and I asked him what about with the exchange and he still said it was 80 no problem I put the battery back in the vehicle and I drove off I called my coworker who is Hispanic and I gave him my $40 and the used battery and I told him to go over there and buy me a battery after a few minutes my coworker returned and I asked him how did it go he said fine he told me the exchange the battery and sold him the other battery for $60 so it seems to me these people choose who they're going to rip off or over price merchandise I fought for my country and I was Mad. I see why DACA should be shut down And prop 9-1 are in effect. Ice needs to pay this place a visit. This was truly discrimination News 13 needs to look at this next time I need a battery I'm going to Walmart there's $60 there

  • Ms Charmz

    Ms Charmz


    I'm eternally blessed and grateful for this place...They a super professional helped me so much..I definitely definitely!!!! Recommend them to all of Nevada and tourists very helpful with great awesome and affordable prices ...for sure a must go to for me Thank you guys at Batteries 4 Less :)

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