Bass Pro Shops i Mesa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterBass Pro Shops



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1133, North Dobson Road, 85201, Mesa, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 602-606-5600
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.4365468, Longitude: -111.8665419

kommentar 5

  • en

    Trent L McCormick


    Just bought a bow from the archery department. I'm very impressed with the overall number of bows they have for sale. Brands include Diamond, Bear, PSE, Cabelas, Blackout and possibly a few more. I worked with Brock on every visit I made. Really knowledgeable and helpful guy. He probably spent a total of 3-4 hours with me between all my questions, reviewing different bows and ultimately setting up the bow I purchased. I highly recommend working with him when it comes to buying a bow or doing any kind of maintenance. I bought the diamond deploy, seems like it will be a great long term bow.

  • Ron Speer

    Ron Speer


    i love this place it is so awesome inside with water falls and fish in the streams. the staff are very nice and helpful. all the fishing gear is reasonably priced and they had great stuff on clearance. the restraunt is great i will be back for the $5.99 double burger and fries special 😁🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

  • Brian Stowers

    Brian Stowers


    Put scope on AR free. One of the guys was like no way. But the guy who served in the army and had a beard was so nice. I appreciate the service. Also it’s huge. There are so many things to look at. A shoppers dream. I love that spot.

  • en

    David Snedeker


    The store is very nice inside and clean. The prices on the clothing are about 15-35% higher than other stores for like or better quality on many items. Helpful personnel when I could find one. They have a very large assortment of outdoor items, as they specialize in this field. Very nice selection of firearms, and knives. That area was well staffed of course.

  • Danelle Meere

    Danelle Meere


    I struggled finding retail associates to assist me with questions I had about different products. When shopping for outdoor and recreational equipment it is helpful to have as much info as possible. Outside of personal research, a knowledgeable opinion is second best and this is what I would have appreciated from this stores employee's. Was part of my reason for visiting... Having not received this, I found myself wandering around until I became uninterested and then took my business elsewhere.

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