Baskin-Robbins i Tucson

Forenede StaterBaskin-Robbins



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2648, East Speedway Boulevard, 85716, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 520-327-6451
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Latitude: 32.2358093, Longitude: -110.9325922

kommentar 5

  • Will Gravel

    Will Gravel


    For how much a milkshake costs here you might think the person would scoop some ice cream in that cup...but no they put too much milk and a weak and thin crappy drink.

  • Rachel Stefanko

    Rachel Stefanko


    The girl that was in there todsy, 5/4 aroubd noon, was so awesome. She was upbeat, let me sample, then I needed a pen and she gave me one, plus icecream was delicious! Ended up getting double scoop with two flavors because she was awesome!

  • jason b

    jason b


    Friendly service. The ice cream cake I ordered for my brother was perfect. Thanks Baskin Robbins

  • Luis Rivera

    Luis Rivera


    I mean... It's ice cream! What do you expect? Creamy icy... Yum!

  • Anna McCourt

    Anna McCourt


    The building and atmosphere is a little run down, but that doesn't hinder the taste of heaven you get when you take a bite of the ice cream. I like the chocolate with almonds.

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