Basic Energy Inc w Mineola

Stany ZjednoczoneBasic Energy Inc


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

500, Jericho Turnpike, 11501, Mineola, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-294-9044
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7447225, Longitude: -73.6553003

komentarze 4

  • Tricia Kaplan

    Tricia Kaplan


    We bought a house with an old gas unit fireplace and have been wanting to replace it for a while, and early this fall it just would not start. We happened to be passing by BasicEnergy in Mineola, New York, when we were out in that area visiting our best friends for dinner, and popped into the store quickly just to have a look. The owner Scott was so warm and welcoming that we felt like we known him for years. He showed us the models he had on the floor and pulled out many catalogs for us to look at. He was so accommodating but no pressure. We left to go to dinner, but returned late the next day, and he even remembered our names! We had spent the day price shopping, but returned to his store to make our final purchase because his prices were the best and he was just so darn nice. Our unit came in a timely fashion, and the installer was very polite and neat. We absolutely love our new fireplace and this will be a very cozy winter!

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    vincent bilms


    I purchased a Heat and Glow gas fireplace from Basic Energy. They did a site evaluation free of charge (unlike some other places that charge $100 just to look at the site). The installation in my Stony Brook home was done in one day. I went back and purchased a cherry wood mantel and then hired a mason to do the stone work. I am very happy with the results.

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    Shari Bosswick


    Basic Energy is simply "The best"! They have been servicing my gas fireplace for many years and have always been professional, reliable, reasonably priced and friendly. Ira and Scott are the "go to" guys who are thoroughly knowledgeable and I can't say enough good things about them and their store. After moving into my house over 10 years ago, the fireplace (heat n glow) stopped working and I found it difficult to locate anyone who could service my unit...until I found Basic Energy in Mineola. They travel to my home for service appointments whenever I need routine maintenance, or whenever my (old) unit needs a replacement part. Ira and Scott have always gone "above and beyond" to make sure everything is perfect.

  • Robert Kenney

    Robert Kenney


    Hello, I called RH Peterson to request the nearest authorized service company for our RealFyre log set. RH Peterson recommended this company as the closest company to service our log insert. The company refuses to service us, based on the fact that we didnt purchase the set from them. (we did purchase it from an authorized dealer) They were incredibly rude both times I tried to call for an appointment. RH Peterson / RealFyre should not recommend them as an authorized dealer if they will not service people near them, simply out of spite. Avoid.

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