Barron's Bridal Boutique i Levittown

Forenede StaterBarron's Bridal Boutique



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3041, Hempstead Turnpike, 11756, Levittown, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-735-3828
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7255189, Longitude: -73.5233348

kommentar 4

  • en

    Caroline Daino


  • en

    nicole surizon


    I got a veil made for my wedding, and it was actually the ugliest cheapest veil ever made!!! The tulle that he shows you is NOT the same tulle that he makes the veil with!! I was SO upset and instead of offering to try and help and redo what I wanted (considering it is NOT cheap) he stood by his work and would not help at all! I had to buy another veil last minute at a bridal store!!! DO NOT get a veil done here!!!

  • Kenny Attison

    Kenny Attison


    Absolutely phenomenal service and the selection they had was great! We were able to get everything we needed for my daughter's Communion right there and the prices were extremely reasonable! It was an all around great experience for my daughter and I, we couldn't be happier!!

  • en



    I cannot say enough about this gentleman. Mr. Karen, was wonderful. We went in looking for hair clips for my daughters wedding. We saw beautiful bridal veils that he customs makes to his customers needs and he custom makes the accessories too. Each piece is unique and absolutely beautiful. He took his time with my daughter and myself. He asked to see a picture of our dresses, pictures of how our hair will be designed. He was caring and did not push anything on us. But offered sincere opinions. The prices are very reasonable. I would recommend anyone looking for a wedding veils, Crowns and accessories to seek him out. You will not be disappointed!

nærmeste Tøjbutik

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