Baron & Goodsell w New Hyde Park

Stany ZjednoczoneBaron & Goodsell


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608, Jericho Turnpike, 11040, New Hyde Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-328-3254
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7317277, Longitude: -73.6885241

komentarze 2

  • en

    John Paul Hickey


    Patricia Goodsell did work preparing the estate planning for my mother. Her incredibly detailed work led to her catching a major mistake when she updated the work by a previous estate attorney, who charged far more than Patricia. That mistake potentially could have cost my mother, and my family, a great deal of money. She was always very accessible and spent time on the phone answering questions, time that she did not charge for. I highly recommend her.

  • en

    Steve Kos


    AVOID THIS FIRM! Actually, there is no "firm". It's just one lawyer, Patricia Goodsell. She told us she had a staff of two paralegals (who happened not to be in the office the day we were there), but it turns out she has one paralegal who comes in one day a week. This was one of several "misrepresentations" she made to us during the three week period she was "working" for us. Although her office is kind of a dump, she came across as very competent and personable when we met her in the initial consultation. However, her follow through was awful, and at our first complaint, she turned entirely arrogant and told us to find another lawyer. We had retained her to have a simple will probated and to handle the sale of a co-op apartment. Law 101. Right off the bat, she told us she had mailed some forms required for probate to two people named in the will, but after two weeks they still hadn't been received. It was clear to us that she had never sent them out, but when pressed, she kept avoiding the question, and finally told us we had given her the wrong addresses, which wasn't true. Then she went on vacation without letting us know, and the overall delay to the probate application caused a potential buyer for the apartment to walk away. All in all, she is unreliable, as well as being dishonest, sloppy, and as mentioned earlier, quite arrogant. Her commitment to customer satisfaction is virtually non-existent. From our experience, it's hard to believe that she manages to have a going law practice. She gave us a partial refund of the retainer, but we still ending up paying her several hundred dollars for next to nothing, and our new lawyer had to start mostly from scratch. In addition, because of the delay she caused, we had to pay the carrying costs on the apartment for an extra month - a significant amount. What a huge disappointment. I wish someone had warned us about her.

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