Bargain Barn Tack en Phoenix

Estados UnidosBargain Barn Tack



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7207, South 39th Avenue, 85041, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 602-237-4927
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.381509, Longitude: -112.1420337

comentarios 5

  • en

    Alyce Seaba


    Drove for an hour to get to this location and find they moved!!! Someone needs to update their website!

  • Jeff Fletcher

    Jeff Fletcher


    Great deals on used tack.

  • Carol Hensell

    Carol Hensell


    Very friendly and helpful staff! We will be going back!

  • en

    Ruby Farnsworth


    So helpful. More interested in finding me what I really needed then making a bigger sale thanks so much guys

  • Wende L.

    Wende L.


    I love this place. The prices are very reasonable & the inventory is excellent! The owners, Cheryl & Chico are willing to go the extra mile for their customers. I was having an issue with a saddle problem, take this one home & try it, if it doesn't work, come back we'll try another. I ordered a breast collar for my new saddle. It was back ordered, I had a ride coming up that a breast collar was an absolute necessity. Chico lent me his breast collar until mine came in. This is the type of customer service that has been forgotten by most stores. I'm a horse camper trail rider. Most things of interest to me I have to order. Most tack stores in AZ seem to cater to ropers, Bargain Barn has the goods. High lines, saddle bags, light weight trail saddles, rope halters. Not to mention all the other cool stuff. Stop in, you'll be pleasantly surprised!

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