Barcade w Newark

Stany ZjednoczoneBarcade



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494, Broad Street, 07102, Newark, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-351-4644
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.744797, Longitude: -74.169281

komentarze 5

  • tanaya sullivan

    tanaya sullivan


    Food was good. Bar menu lackluster not a large selection of alcohol mostly beer. Based on the music that was played rock I know they are trying to appeal to certain demographic. I was disappointed by lack of diversity in music and games. I guess I thought they might have an air hockey game and a pool table.

  • M



    If you live in Montclair, Bloomfield, or Newark, Barcade is the place that's very easy to get to by bus or train. It's also my recommended hangout spot if you just want to play video games and not worry about going to the bar to eat and/or drink. There's plenty of cool games to play and there's a ATM machine for your convenience (my advice is to bring money with you if you want to avoid using an ATM that's not associated with your personal bank).

  • Stacey Jones

    Stacey Jones


    Great place for adults with a thirst for the nostalgia of the arcade rooms we frequented as teens. Brought so many memories and if I wanted one, popular beers were on tap! Definitely going back!

  • en

    Jes Jon


    First time at this location. Beers, cocktails, and food available. Ate beforehand so I didn't order food. Next time I'd get the bar pizza it looked so appealing. Change machine that gives you tokens. Games are 1-2 tokens per player. There is seating but first come first serve. Overall very good experience here. I parked in the parking deck which is adjacent to the Barcade. They can validate your parking ticket if its $50. However it cannot be split. I would try a different location closer to me. 9.1/10

  • Michele Lam

    Michele Lam


    Really cool spot that opened just in August. It's nearby Rutgers Newark so I'm sure the 21+ crowd must be flowing in in the evenings. We came on an early Saturday evening so it wasn't prime time or crowded which we liked. It was easy to walk up the bar and get drinks. Then we walked around and checked out the arcade games. We played a few and most of them were only on "token" to play which was the equivalent to a quarter! Pretty neat spot but it's not that big so I wonder how crowded it gets during peak hours or during their happy hours.

najbliższy Bar

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