Bank of America (with Drive-thru ATM) w Bellevue

Stany ZjednoczoneBank of America (with Drive-thru ATM)



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10572, Northeast 4th Street, 98004, Bellevue, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 425-201-3415
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.6140725, Longitude: -122.199384

komentarze 5

  • Elizabeth Whited

    Elizabeth Whited


    Had an excellent experience at this branch. Was helped by Raine and another person. They were very patient helping me with my mobile banking questions and helped turn around a stressful day.

  • Yao Jiayu

    Yao Jiayu


    Even if you have an appointment, and there are bankers who are available, they will just sit there without helping out. Have to wait over 20 mins even with an appointment. Worst service.

  • Fernando Del Valle

    Fernando Del Valle


    I walked into this bank this afternoon. I was walking by a lady sitting near the entry and as I passed her, she asked what I needed and I replied a cashier. She then asked me if I had an account with the bank and I replied, yes I have several. She then asked me to follow her to where the cashiers were stationed and no one was there so she went in a locked door and asked me to wait, not please wait, but wait. She came back out and said it will be about 20 minutes and I asked where is everyone. She replied that the one in the back was busy with a customer, one was at lunch and the other was on a break. I then asked if I could speak to a manager. She replied that she was at lunch too. The fact that everyone was gone and the only other one was in the back with a customer??? What did not help either is the lady's attitude and neglected smile or sympathy with the situation. She did not care at all. I walked out before I said something stupid. To get inside of the bank, you need to park in the garage which is downstairs and take an elevator for this incredible service. UGH!!! Fernando... I will never go back to this branch again. :(

  • Leila WA

    Leila WA


    Im so angry at Tommy Pham that I can sue him for the MISLEADING INFORMATION AND DISCRIMINATION I faced today. I read their policy and went there knowing exactly what I need but he kept saying it was impossible!!!! I just did it myself - online. I am so mad at them that I am ready to close my account with this bank! Tommy Pham where is the feedback form?!

  • Google Level 8 Reviewer

    Google Level 8 Reviewer


    Claudia is a pro and helped my husband and I with our account. She was very knowledgeable, quick, courteous, and respectful of our time. Much appreciated.

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