Bank of America Financial Center en New Windsor

Estados UnidosBank of America Financial Center



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405, Windsor Highway, 12584, New Windsor, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 800-432-1000
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.4558593, Longitude: -74.0559541

comentarios 5

  • en

    Abriana Sanchez


    The teller i had was literally so slow. I told her i needed $95 in coins & $95 in cash with $20 in singles on the side & said i wanted was $115 when i gave her $210 . Then she started getting aggravated with me like i was the problem. Do your job and learn your change. I was so unhappy with the service, those tellers have no kind of personality, they are rude, & so impolite. One customer asked the other teller how her day was & she totally ignored him, like what???. I went there around the time they were closing so i guess they were just upset cuz they wanted to leave, but oh well we are customers. Don’t give me an attitude because you wanna hurry up & go home. She didn’t even give me the change i wanted so i left to Chase bank so they can fix it . BOA, you definitely lost me as a customer. Service was horrible, my teller was a -1 & if i can rate no stars i would. Little tip .... HIRE NEW TELLERS with a nice sense of customer service .

  • en

    Carmen Marino


  • en

    Gene P


    Friendly, helpful staff.

  • Michael Stuetzle

    Michael Stuetzle


    Helpful staff

  • en

    Jose Torres


Banco más cercano

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