Bank of America Financial Center in Mount Kisco

Vereinigte StaatenBank of America Financial Center



🕗 öffnungszeiten

35, South Moger Avenue, 10549, Mount Kisco, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 914-242-0371
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 41.2072809, Longitude: -73.7287947

kommentare 4

  • Juan Barbecho

    Juan Barbecho


  • en

    Eddy Masaya


  • Martin Kearns

    Martin Kearns


    Horrible from the top down. My wife and I have been BOA members for 8 years and needed to change her last name on our joint account. We arrived 20 minutes before closing time and waited on the line only to be told (15 minutes later) that they would not be able to help us because closing time was only 5 minutes away. This was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back with regard to Evil Corp... ahem Bank of America. We've switched to our local credit union and couldn't be happier to keep our money out of the hands of these mongers. I hope everyone leaves banks that have a model of exploiting their customers without at least the cloak of good customer service.

  • Frederick Rothe III

    Frederick Rothe III


    Disappointed that I couldn't get through to a specialist to help me with my accounts. Returned after being with Wells Fargo for a year, something I regret. Hopefully, my banking relationship will be better than the one I currently have with Wells Fargo. Turns out BofA is money hungry as Wells Fargo, so they have been dumped as well. Closing branches hasn't helped them either. Was a customer for over ten years, and treated me like their own personal bank. Well, this bank moved on.

nächste Bank

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