Balloon World en Larchmont

Estados UnidosBalloon World



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1951, Palmer Avenue, 10538, Larchmont, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-381-1975
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9317284, Longitude: -73.7600988

comentarios 5

  • en

    jennifer shapiro


    The Owner Robert is EXTREMELY rude. his prices are high and on top of that when i called i asked a delivery price he said $45. When i got to the store he realized i was having a bar mitzvah and his delivery price became $200, on top of the balloons. Never again i would step in that store or recommend anyone there. NOT GOOD FOR BUSINESS

  • Jeanne LaSala Taylor

    Jeanne LaSala Taylor


    If I could give zero stars I would as I will never patronize this store. This March I called to inquire about pricing for a party I was throwing and being brand new to the area, I wanted to comparison shop. The owner was very rude on the phone and finally he told me he would only answer my questions if I was placing an order. So I took my business elsewhere. This Tuesday my girls were begging for balloons for their Dad’s birthday so I decided to give them another chance as this wasn’t going to be a big order. The owner was on the phone taking an order. My kids were so excited looking around and asking me questions: “can we get this mommy? And this and this?” After no more than a minute of this he turns to me and very curtly says “Excuse me, can you leave and come back in five minutes—I’m on the phone”. I said “this is the second time you’ve been rude to me so no, I don’t think I’m coming back.” So he says again snidely “ Why don’t you go to Party City?” !?! As if to say, I don’t want your business. To a mom with two children?!? In a balloon store?!? So much for shop local!

  • en

    Linda Simonin


    They forgot our order and after I called, the balloons were delivered but not what we had agreed upon.

  • Latasha Mobiglia

    Latasha Mobiglia


    Just had a terrible experience at ballon world in mamaroneck.. Ordered balloons for a party in mid August. Prices seemed inflated and only went there because I knew they delivered. I learned they charge $25 for delivery . Customer service was non existent. Came home and realized I was totally overcharged and inquired with party city and the same order was 1/3 of the price and they are close to home so I decided I was just going to order from them. Called balloon world and asked to cancel and be refunded. It was literally 45 min ago I was there. He told me 'they sat aside the balloons for me' (mind you they were three latex for color reference and two dinosaur types.) And they don't offer refunds. I let him know I would be disputing the charges and sharing with all local moms about my experience and he told me do what I want and hung up. Just thought I'd share. Don't know how he will stay in business with that attitude. Luckily discover is canceling charge.

  • linda demiri

    linda demiri


    the service was wonderful the balloons were inexpensive and they made the entire room light up I didn't even need decorations

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