Bakho's Rent A Car w Miami

Stany ZjednoczoneBakho's Rent A Car



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4387, Northwest 7th Street, 33126, Miami, Miami-Dade County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 786-232-0909
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 25.7790351, Longitude: -80.2676759

komentarze 5

  • en

    Louis Netherland


    I have never experienced such excellent customer service with a rental car company in my life. The staff at Bakho's is extremely responsive and proactive in every way: they addressed me by name each time I contacted them, were accomodating to my schedule and willing to find alternative solutions for drop off/pick up, and above all were friendly and expeditious with every action they took. I felt like I was dealing with a real family-owned and operated business because they treated me like I was their number one priority. Will absolutely use them again when I visit Miami!




    I rented a Car with Bakhos for Business purposes and the Customer Service was professional and excellent they answer every concern and questions that I had, very low rates and the car was new and clean. I will highly recommend Bakhos Rent a Car for Business or pleasure purposes!!!!!

  • Emilú Soares

    Emilú Soares


    Excellent experience from the beginning to the end. Definitely, a recommendable alternative. Fair price and unbeatable customer service. Without a doubt, I will be back!

  • en

    Andreina Borges


    If you had rented a car in the past you know it's not easy to understand, let alone trust in the original prices you find in your searches. This is not the case with this family-owned operation; they're not only really nice people who go the extra mile to help you out, but also they are really honest and they lay out everything for you up-front. I felt really taken care of! You can't find that kind of service at Enterprise or Hertz! This is from now on my place to go! Thank you so much for treating like family, you made my trip really easy!

  • en

    Jan Pimentel


    Was referred by a family member to Bakhos. Everything about this place is great, the fleet of cars are pretty current and pretty reliable, and the rates are pretty affordable. Customer service is excellent. I highly recommend to rent from this company especially If you're trying to save a buck.

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