Bake Diva's Bakery w Crowley

Stany ZjednoczoneBake Diva's Bakery



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832, North Crowley Road, 76036, Crowley, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-426-5522
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.5896775, Longitude: -97.3502119

komentarze 5

  • en

    Luke Beattie


    Everybody goes to bakeries, but divas is truly amazing. The buttercream is the best I’ve ever had. The cookies and all of the baked goods are tremendous. Most importantly, the owner is there every day serving the customers. I highly recommend divas.

  • en

    Ms. Martin


    I have never been to this place but just reading a few of the reviews & the owners replies to the reviews make me want to puke. I’ve been online for hours looking for a bakery to bake a unique cake for my daughters graduation. I understand there will always be mixed reviews but the replies on here from this company speak louder than any reviews.

  • Diana Clinger

    Diana Clinger


    This place is amazing! The best carrot cake hands down. They have sugar free, dairy free and gluten free. The owner is the sweetest and always is there to help me out. Prices are way to cheap, I'd pay more for if I went anywhere else.

  • Autumn Cameron

    Autumn Cameron


    We live about 5mins from this amazing new business..When we walked in we were greeted. They allowed us to try anything we wanted to make sure we knew what we wanted..They all had friendly faces and smiles and you can tell they love their business and what they do... Then you ladies for you yummy treats,we will be back..

  • en

    Aaron Cabeldue


    This is the worst cake I have ever purchased and will never shop here again. I should have known when I walked in and it smelt like cigarettes and not cake. I asked for a cake that said "I survived teen pregnancy" with a pregnancy test with a little pee on the stick. This is supposed to be for my niece's 20th birthday as a gag joke and now the only joke is going to be the cake itself. Needless to say the cake looks like a 5 your old colored on it. When the lady hands me the cake she said "it was difficult to know what a pregnancy test looked like since they haven't used on in a while". REALLY! THAT IS WHAT GOOGLE IMAGES IS FOR! I didn't have time to complain as the party was only 1 hour from the time I picked the cake up. And diva's please don't use the excuse that it was ordered on short notice because if you didn't think you could complete in the allotted amount of time you shouldn't have accepted the job. I will post pictures below

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