Bak Chiropractic w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneBak Chiropractic



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56-15, 251st Street, 11362, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-387-6333
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.761862, Longitude: -73.728821

komentarze 5

  • Dalia D

    Dalia D


    Brian Bak is amazing . I had so many problems but with his help i was able go back to work. He helped me with arm ,shoulder ,neck pain . This time i went with my lover back pain. Since my spine "specialist" recommended me to get steroid shot in my spine . I said NO and i decided to go see Brian one more time . He did magic and i left office without pain in my back.He explained me what exercises i should do to get stronger and feel better. He is amazing. I live far and for me is like 40 minute ride but it doesn't matter because i know he will make me feel better.

  • Christina Travalja

    Christina Travalja


    I’ve been living with chronic pain now for almost 10 years and have been to many doctors, physical therapists, chiropractors and massage therapists. Some have helped a bit, some minimally and others were a waste of time. Every time I leave Dr. Bak’s office I ask myself why I don’t come more often. This evening was no different. I walked into the office in excruciating pain, probably a 9/10 and left feeling SO much better and able to drive home in minimal pain. I’m sure if I visited more often and dedicated more time to practice all of his recommendations, I’d be feeling even better! Dr. Bak is not only a great practitioner, but he’s also very easy to talk to and makes every visit as comfortable as possible. I’d recommend him to anyone in need!

  • Mario Rodriguez

    Mario Rodriguez


  • en

    Paul Masone


    Dr. Brian has been great. I began seeing him after a car accident and have seen a noticeable improvement in my back pain. The first chiropractor I went to was very rushed and impersonal and didn't put the time or energy into treating me that Dr. Bak does at his office. I've found the active release technique he uses to be much more beneficial than the approach the first chiropractor used.

  • en

    Robert Weston


    Dr. Bak has made a huge difference in my mobility and flexibility. He has reduced the amount of pain drastically to almost nonexistent. Highly recommend.

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