Bahama Buck's i Phoenix

Forenede StaterBahama Buck's



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7450, South 35th Avenue, 85339, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 602-714-5224
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Latitude: 33.3786661, Longitude: -112.1343219

kommentar 5

  • Andre Roy

    Andre Roy


    It's okay. The wait time for 2 things was dang near 15 minutes and we were the only car in line. Its consistent with wait times, the product on the other hand is another story. All in all it's not worth it

  • en

    Nicole Rogers


    I go a couple times out of the month, I LOVE this place. So many flavors and things to choose from. Has games inside and out that are good for passing the time. I've brought a couple of friends here that love it too and since it's getting hot 🔥 I'll be visiting more often. Their prices are a little more than I would like, and the wait is also a little longer than it should be. (Hire for the summer!)

  • en

    america San


    First time going there. very excited at the beginning. actually really giid flavor . i got the strawberry was really good but then halfway down there was no juice at all.. it was just ice!!! I paid over $5 for it. so i was very upset and drove back 10 minutes to let them know. I wanted to make sure they knew. one of the guys was very rude. my husband loves this place and try to make me like it. I do like the flavors but not the SERVICE!! NOT GOING EVER AGAIN! I actually took a picture of it and wish I was able to post it here! it was on 4/16/2018 around 9:10pm. ***customer service..very important!!

  • Michelle Stevens

    Michelle Stevens


    So glad they opened one of these by south mountain. Best shaved ice in town, make sure to get the topic creme added! They also have iced coffees, smoothies, sodas, fruit cups, and lemonades. Something for everyone




    I love this place. Has amazing shaved ice, but the service is slow. I once fell asleep in the drive through while I was waiting. I think I spent a total of 25 minutes in it with only 3 cars in front. But overall, the product is worth it if you're willing to wait.

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