Bagel Cafe 23 w Cedar Grove

Stany ZjednoczoneBagel Cafe 23



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597, Pompton Avenue, 07009, Cedar Grove, Essex County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-239-1364
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8537955, Longitude: -74.2287048

komentarze 5

  • en



    Horrible customer service very rude , and the food was average at best

  • en

    Tanisha Rokes


    I would never eat from here again. I went here about 2 Thursdays ago and as I was very hungry I walk in to see maybe the owner the Chinese or Asian guy sweeping straight ahead in the kitchen hall area and we both gave each other eye contact so he comes to the from the back may i help you with his one glove on and i was expecting him to take off his glove and change it..he grabbed my bagel with the same glove that he touched the broom with and started to put my cream cheese on I walk out disgusted and never went back...and before this I had a young boy scratching his stomach and I seen people touch their face or nose..that's why everytime I go in there I tell them can they change their gloves or can they use two gloves when they make my bagel and some of them are nice about it but I had the Chinese guy or whatever he is as well as another spanish guy say his glove is clean and sometimes they catch an attitude laugh and start talking in spanish. I just can imagine what they do when I didnt see or before I came in there smh...

  • en

    Mitchell Casner


    Food is always fresh. Counter people very friendly. The bagels are wonderful.

  • en

    N I


    I walked out in frustration. She put the bagel in the toaster and proceeded to talk. Completely ignored me as I waited. Even as I hovered over the conversation, they ignored me. From past experience, the bagels are just ok. I go for convenience. I will not go any more.

  • en

    Kaitlyn Maglione


    Poor customer service. Bagels are okay, but not worth dealing with the incompetent women who will talk nasty about you in Spanish with you right in front of them :) closest bagel place to my house and I'll always drive the extra 5 min to little falls or Verona to avoid.

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