Backyard Masters w Farmingdale

Stany ZjednoczoneBackyard Masters



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912, Broadhollow Road, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-501-7665
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Latitude: 40.7262266, Longitude: -73.424809

komentarze 5

  • NY Scrap Metal

    NY Scrap Metal


    We needed some cleansers for an Above Ground Pool we have had in the family for years which is very old . We didn’t even think to consider if it was possible to afford or to even think of asking about buying a new pool all up to date & modern until Dean Jr asked questions about our pool & realized how old if really was & the cost of maintaining it but we’ve had it this long because as Dean explained Its a Dough Boy Above Ground & Dean said “well it’s a Dough Boy Pool the best of the best in Above Ground pools for ever . So Dean Salvani Jr educated us on the product & why it was worth buying a new pool larger then our older one & just on the value we’d be saving from a 20 year newer & larger oval Dough Boy Above ground pool which when he showed us the comparison of payments we make today and for what we just squander without thinking on our families cell phone plan which we pay for ever opposed to doing a 60 month financing with not just the pool for 60 months but we added so much more after realizing what we waste our money on which is insane if you think about it we ended up with the pool a wicker weather patio set, a cast aluminum set & also got a brand new hot tub which we had no idea we could even think about affording. All together with all our 8 phone / devices family plan we have a new pool , hot tub 2 top of the line patio sets a BBQ with 20% down & could’ve rolled it all into the payment all for close to what my entire family mobile phone plan costs monthly which includes all the iPhones newest models the apple-watches and the best GB Storage etc etc then all my entire family’s iPhone mobile plan package which guess what we’ll be paying for life which is totally insane if we all think about it. Backyard Masters has the best product, knowledge, staff & Wow presentation its hard not to appreciate just walking in their . Pool , Patio, Gazebo, Inground pools above ground pools semi in ground pools hot tubs bbq islands now interior furniture this place is not going anywhere or most of kind Island would be stuck with the old usual suspects . Thanks Dean & Maria Salvani with the Hot tub & pool & Jr’s knowledge on just talking to me which made logical sense without a doubt and so glad we spoke to him because he put things into perspective & we would’ve considered buying anything but meeting all the staff which is very family oriented btw we met Elise & ISherrie who were so helpful & cheerful but I guess it’s easy when your buying fun but even without that they were all so genuinely kind & the knowledge was just incredible everywhere like on the patio furniture which is all custom ordered & you cant find anywhere else which we learned so much we were blown away. Also thank you Cherish for all your assistance & time guiding us around which made the entire experience amazing & now feel like we’re now part of the family at Backyard Masters aa were relaxing in our hot tub right now :) Truly everyone was so happy and helpful were recommending anyone to go to backyard Masters just so they can say “Wow” when they call us , you mist go into the showroom to get that effect so stop by & you’ll understand .

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    Jaclyn O'Sullivan


    We were in the market for a hot tub for months. We finally found one that fit us perfectly and even better, Antonio was and is such a pleasure to work with. We received our tub ahead of schedule and have used it everyday since. As new owners we sometimes goof up the easy chemical process, but everyone at Backyard Masters is super helpful to help us correct our issue, even over the phone. These guys and gals are experienced in their products and genuinely care about everything running smoothly for the entirety of the hot tubs lifetime. I don’t feel like we were sold a product just for the revenue. Great prices and Friendly staff. I highly recommend!!!

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    Dimitrios Vardoulias


    I had a great experience!! The staff is knowledgeable and friendly!! Our sales person, Antonio, explained the pool systems available and options in great detail. That helped me make the decision on which pool type and maintenance system to buy. He proposed a comprehensive pool package. Which we went over and finalized the package. The pool was delivered as promised, first week of July. We enjoyed the pool for the season without any issues. We will be closing the pool this weekend. I picked up the winter cover and accessories this weekend. The store had everything in stock and at good prices. 😊

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    P Sabatino


    Backyard Masters the way to go!! From the moment we entered the showroom to purchasing our new Doughboy oval pool we were greeted by friendly staff. Big Shout Out to Antonio - very knowledgeable, polite, professional & knows his products well. Antonio went out of his way to get me the discontinued liner of my choice & WOW did it look great!!! All in all great experience! I highly recommend Backyard Masters you will not be disappointed!

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    Margaret Rossoff


    Backyard Masters Larry and Antonio rock! Best sales experience I've ever had. My new pool is gorgeous and perfectly put together from purchase to install. All professional and caring. Thank you guys😆

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